The full cost of participation is 600 EUR (2700 PLN).
Due to unclear situation with COVID travel restrictions, we have decided to collect the school fee in two instalments. The first instalment - 50 EUR (or 200 PLN) - must be paid before August 22, 2021 (deadline extended) August 31, 2021. This amount covers participation expenses in case if only on-line version of the School will be possible.
You will be requested to pay additional 550 EUR (or 2500 PLN), after the decision that the in-person event is possible and safe. The fee covers conference materials, accommodation, full board, transfer from Kraków to Niepołomice and back and conference dinner.
The money must be paid in Polish zloty (PLN) or in Euro (EUR). The current exchange rate can be checked at the National Bank of Poland (NBP). Payment can be made by bank transfer.
Please notice that the organizers DO NOT collect any details on your credit cards – possible fraud attempts were reported!
Bank account and transfer details
Name of the bank:
BGK o/Krakow
Bank address:
Promienistych 1 , 31-481 Krakow, Poland
Bank account No (IBAN):
PL 80 1130 1150 0012 1147 8020 0031 for payment in Euro (EUR)
53 1130 1150 0012 1147 8020 0032 for payment in Polish Zloty (PLN)
Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences
Beneficiary address:
Radzikowskiego 152, 31-342 Krakow, Poland
Transfer title:
PhDiaFusion 2021 Your Name
In the transfer details please indicate "PhDiaFusion 2021” and your first and last name. Please use english characters only. Please keep the receipt for registration and make sure that the bank transfer costs are not drawn from the fee.